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What exactly is Reiki anyway?

Reiki is an ancient hands on healing modality which originated in Tibet or India & is about 2500 years old. It migrated with the Buddhist sages to Southeast Asia and China, then to Japan. Dr. Mikao Usui founded it there in the late 1800's. He was a minister and teacher for a Christian school for boys, & after a student questioned him, he sought the answer for proof of Jesus's healing miracles. After meditating every day for 21 days upon mt. Kuri Yuma, on that 21st day, he received a download of the Reiki symbols and their meanings during a profound altered state.

Reiki t is essentially universal life force energy which resides in all living things. When one has been trained and attuned to use Reiki, they have undergone a process which opens them up to channel this healing energy more strongly and easily. The energy is channeled through us from spirit, so practitioners are not technically the ones doing the healing, we are simply conduits of the healing energy.

The energy is pure, gentle, and does absolutely no harm. It realigns the energy present in your body allowing more balance, well-being, and peace within your life mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. 


Reiki energy itself cannot harm. It is spiritual healing energy, and whenever Soul's Journey Reiki & Intuitive Arts practitioners use Reiki energy, they set the intention for the highest and best good ONLY for the recipient, and ask for protection from the angelic realm for good measure. 

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